What useful habits have changed your life?

Waking up at 6 am, drinking 1 glass of warm water, brushing teeth,etc.

Eating soaked almonds, dates . Drinking ABC juice, or spinach soup or eating any fruit available.
Doing yoga or walk from 6.30 to 7.30.
Reading newspaper for 30 mins.
Chatting with my mother or family members
Eating healthy breakfast. Trying to include lot of vegetables and fruits into my diet.
Getting ready for office. Started following discipline and punctuality in life.
On the way to office I drink 1 coconut water everyday.
Never indulging in any type of office gossips. Working hard at my desk.
Eat one banana everyday at office that I carry from home. And I love curd so I take approx 100 gm curd in my lunch every day and salads.
Getting back home at 7. Taking bath.
I Drink tea with palm sugar. In office I drink 2 more teas with white sugar but less sugar.
Munching on snacks like boiled chickpeas etc, or few roasted almonds or an orange. Trying to cut down fried snacks. Occasionally I eat fried items, like pizza, pagoda, vada etc.
I Watch YouTube or social media or quora for few mins.
Eat healthy dinner before 8.
Mild walk with family and chatting.
Save reminders for upcoming days
One glass milk few mins before sleep. Then brushing teeth in sometime.
13. Not touching phone after 10.
14. Write some thing in dairy or reading something.
15. Sleep by 10.30.
I dont rigorously follow everything. But most of the days, This is my routine. These are the habits changing my life in a positive and disciplined way.
Other than that I am trying to avoid unnecessary shopping, trying to bring in minimalist approach of living, Respecting elders, taking life in a positive way always, not to be bothered about gossips etc.

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