How to focus your Mind during Studying or at Work?

How to focus your Mind during Studying or at Work?

We’re all aware that we should eat healthily. We must not overeat and maintain a healthy diet. Right? We don’t do it, however, and end up eating ice cream, junk food, chocolates, etc.

We have the reason with us, still, we don’t do it. 

What is missing? 

It’s not just a question of having the knowledge, it’s a question of keeping the knowledge in your intellect. The intellect is like a vessel, everything you hear, everything you see and read comes in the intellect. 

What your mind picks up becomes activated knowledge, so you must activate the knowledge. You may have heard the story of Sant Ekanath, a saint from Maharashtra. 

What your mind picks up becomes activated knowledge, so you must activate the knowledge. You may have heard the story of Sant Ekanath, a saint from Maharashtra.  y mind is so fickle and scattered that I am unable to bring it into Sadhana.” Whenever I sit in the morning and try to focus on puja, my mind runs in the world, and I take the name of God, but the mind is thinking of the past, and I do the aarti, but the mind is thinking what is the price of  Tomatoes today.

The Saint said: “Look, don’t worry so much; after seven days period you should rid of all encumbrances and come to me unencumbered on the seventh day, I will tell you what to do today”. 

The Saint said: “Look, don’t worry so much; after seven days period you should rid of all encumbrances and come to me unencumbered on the seventh day,  If I’ve got seven days to live, it doesn’t matter whether Obamacare is kept or repealed because I’m going to go.”

Similarly, if you’ve got seven days to live, it doesn’t matter whether the stock price rises or falls, and it obviously doesn’t matter whether your neighbour has a bigger or smaller car because you are going to leave your car in any case.

On the seventh day, he went to Maharaj and said, “Today is my last day, tell me what should I do.” 

The Saint said, “you know why because your intellect is thinking today may be my last day, that is motivating you”. 

So he said, “Every day when I get up I think if today was my last day what should I do”. I live every day as if it were my last day and then I become inspired.

That is the way to inspire yourself. You think if this is my last day and what should I do?

One poet said, “What is motivational science?” 

Find a compelling reason and keep it fresh in your mind, such as when a parent says, “My child doesn’t study, please explain things to him.” 

Since he is your child, you explain that he doesn’t listen. swamiji What am I going to do, beta? Why don’t you study? uncle My mind dislikes studying complex issues. Mind doesn’t like to study, so it prefers to go to the video game what to do that’s why I don’t study but the same child when he or she goes to the final exam the year-end exam now the question paper is there, the child is sitting in the exam hall there are three hours to answer that question paper the ten questions now the child brings the mind to focus and starts answering with razor sharp attention there are no distractions now the child brings the mind to focus and starts answering with razor sharp attention there The only thing that matters is the question and the best possible answer, not glancing at the neighbour, not peering out the window, not thinking about movies, cricket, or anything else. [Music] He maintains that focus for the entire three hours when the teacher says, “Time up, give me your question paper,” and he pulls it out. This child developed such focus that if he had maintained it throughout the year, he would have become a national scholar, but he was unable to do so throughout the year, and all of a sudden he was able to do so, indicating that the ability to focus was present but inspiration was required. [Music] How did the inspiration come when the intellect decided that these three hours are the most important now that if I’m not careful, I’ll lose the entire year, all of my classmates will go ahead, and I won’t get that university admission that I want? Once the intellect decided, it controlled the mind so that you can bring the right knowledge to your intellect and you can pull the mind the mind doesn’t have the ability to resist a resolved intellect if let’s say some people say that

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