Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5 Summary

 अथ पंचमोऽध्यायः- कर्मसंन्यासयोग

ज्ञानयोग और कर्मयोग की एकता, सांख्य पर का विवरण और कर्मयोग की वरीयता

अर्जुन उवाच

सन्न्यासं कर्मणां कृष्ण पुनर्योगं च शंससि ।

यच्छ्रेय एतयोरेकं तन्मे ब्रूहि सुनिश्चितम्‌ ॥

arjuna uvāca

saṅnyāsaṅ karmaṇāṅ kṛṣṇa punaryōgaṅ ca śaṅsasi.

yacchrēya ētayōrēkaṅ tanmē brūhi suniśicatam৷৷5.1৷৷

Meaning: Arjun said – O Krishna! You praise renunciation of actions and then Karmayoga. That’s why out of these two, which one is a sure means of welfare for me, tell him ॥1॥

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Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta In Hindi ~ सम्पूर्ण श्रीमद्‍भगवद्‍गीता


सन्न्यासः कर्मयोगश्च निःश्रेयसकरावुभौ ।

तयोस्तु कर्मसन्न्यासात्कर्मयोगो विशिष्यते ॥

śrī bhagavānuvāca

saṅnyāsaḥ karmayōgaśca niḥśrēyasakarāvubhau.

tayōstu karmasaṅnyāsātkarmayōgō viśiṣyatē৷৷5.2৷৷

Meaning: Shri Bhagwan said – Karma Sanyas and Karma Yoga – both of them are the doers of ultimate welfare, but in both of them Karma Sanyas is better than Karma Yoga being easy in means ॥2॥

ज्ञेयः स नित्यसन्न्यासी यो न द्वेष्टि न काङ्‍क्षति ।

निर्द्वन्द्वो हि महाबाहो सुखं बन्धात्प्रमुच्यते ॥

jñēyaḥ sa nityasaṅnyāsī yō na dvēṣṭi na kāṅkṣati.

nirdvandvō hi mahābāhō sukhaṅ bandhātpramucyatē৷৷5.3৷৷

Meaning: Hey Arjun! The man who does not hate anyone and does not aspire for anyone, that Karmayogi is always considered as a sannyasin because a man free from the dualities of attachment and hatred is happily freed from the bondage of the world ॥3॥

साङ्‍ख्ययोगौ पृथग्बालाः प्रवदन्ति न पण्डिताः ।

एकमप्यास्थितः सम्यगुभयोर्विन्दते फलम्‌ ॥

sāṅkhyayōgau pṛthagbālāḥ pravadanti na paṇḍitāḥ.

ēkamapyāsthitaḥ samyagubhayōrvindatē phalam৷৷5.4৷

Meaning: The above renunciation and karma yoga are said by fools to give different results and not by learned men, because a man properly situated in either of the two receives the fruits of both.॥4॥

यत्साङ्‍ख्यैः प्राप्यते स्थानं तद्यौगैरपि गम्यते ।

एकं साङ्‍ख्यं च योगं च यः पश्यति स पश्यति ॥

yatsāṅkhyaiḥ prāpyatē sthānaṅ tadyōgairapi gamyatē.

ēkaṅ sāṅkhyaṅ ca yōgaṅ ca yaḥ paśyati sa paśyati৷৷5.5৷৷

Meaning: The supreme abode which is attained by the yogis of knowledge, is also attained by the yogis of action. That’s why the man who sees the yoga of knowledge and the yoga of karma as one in the form of fruit, he sees the truth.॥5॥

सन्न्यासस्तु महाबाहो दुःखमाप्तुमयोगतः ।

योगयुक्तो मुनिर्ब्रह्म नचिरेणाधिगच्छति ॥

saṅnyāsastu mahābāhō duḥkhamāptumayōgataḥ.

yōgayuktō munirbrahma nacirēṇādhigacchati৷৷5.6৷৷

Meaning: But O Arjuna! Without Karmayoga, it is difficult to attain sannyas i.e. renunciation of doership in all actions performed by the mind, senses and body and the Karmayogi who meditates on Bhagavatswaroop attains Parabrahma Paramatma soon.॥6॥

सांख्ययोगी और कर्मयोगी के लक्षण और उनकी महिमा

योगयुक्तो विशुद्धात्मा विजितात्मा जितेन्द्रियः ।

सर्वभूतात्मभूतात्मा कुर्वन्नपि न लिप्यते ॥

yōgayuktō viśuddhātmā vijitātmā jitēndriyaḥ.

sarvabhūtātmabhūtātmā kurvannapi na lipyatē৷৷5.7৷৷

Meaning: A Karmayogi who has his mind under his control, who has all senses and a pure conscience and whose soul is the soul of all living beings, such a Karmayogi does not get attached even while doing work.॥7॥

नैव किंचित्करोमीति युक्तो मन्येत तत्ववित्‌ ।

पश्यञ्श्रृण्वन्स्पृशञ्जिघ्रन्नश्नन्गच्छन्स्वपंश्वसन्‌ ॥

प्रलपन्विसृजन्गृह्णन्नुन्मिषन्निमिषन्नपि ॥

इन्द्रियाणीन्द्रियार्थेषु वर्तन्त इति धारयन्‌ ॥

naiva kiṅcitkarōmīti yuktō manyēta tattvavit.

paśyan śrṛṇavanspṛśañjighrannaśnangacchansvapan śvasan৷৷5.8৷৷


indriyāṇīndriyārthēṣu vartanta iti dhārayan৷৷5.9৷৷

Meaning: A Sankhya Yogi who knows the element, sees, hears, touches, smells, eats, moves, sleeps, breathes, speaks, relinquishes, accepts and opens his eyes and Despite being blinded, all the senses are functioning in their respective senses – understanding in this way, without a doubt believe that I do nothing ॥8-9॥

ब्रह्मण्याधाय कर्माणि सङ्‍गं त्यक्त्वा करोति यः ।

लिप्यते न स पापेन पद्मपत्रमिवाम्भसा ॥

brahmaṇyādhāya karmāṇi saṅgaṅ tyaktvā karōti yaḥ.

lipyatē na sa pāpēna padmapatramivāmbhasā৷৷5.10৷৷

Meaning: The man who works by surrendering all his works to God and renouncing attachment, that man does not get involved in sin like a lotus leaf with water.॥10॥

कायेन मनसा बुद्धया केवलैरिन्द्रियैरपि ।

योगिनः कर्म कुर्वन्ति संग त्यक्त्वात्मशुद्धये ॥

kāyēna manasā buddhyā kēvalairindriyairapi.

yōginaḥ karma kurvanti saṅgaṅ tyaktvā৷৷tmaśuddhayē৷৷5.11৷৷

Meaning: A Karmayogi, without any sense of attachment, does work for the purification of the inner self, renouncing attachment only through the senses, mind, intellect and body.॥11॥

युक्तः कर्मफलं त्यक्त्वा शान्तिमाप्नोति नैष्ठिकीम्‌ ।

अयुक्तः कामकारेण फले सक्तो निबध्यते ॥

yuktaḥ karmaphalaṅ tyaktvā śāntimāpnōti naiṣṭhikīm.

ayuktaḥ kāmakārēṇa phalē saktō nibadhyatē৷৷5.12৷৷

Meaning: A Karma Yogi attains peace in the form of God-realization by renouncing the fruits of his actions, and a successful man gets attached to the fruits by the inspiration of desire. 12॥

ज्ञानयोग का विषय

सर्वकर्माणि मनसा संन्यस्यास्ते सुखं वशी ।

नवद्वारे पुरे देही नैव कुर्वन्न कारयन्‌ ॥

sarvakarmāṇi manasā saṅnyasyāstē sukhaṅ vaśī.

navadvārē purē dēhī naiva kurvanna kārayan৷৷5.13৷৷

Meaning: The person who practices Sankhya Yoga, in whose control the heart is, does not do it and does not get it done, leaving all the actions from the mind in the form of the body, in the house of nine doors, remains blissfully situated in the form of Sachchidanandhan God ॥13॥

न कर्तृत्वं न कर्माणि लोकस्य सृजति प्रभुः ।

न कर्मफलसंयोगं स्वभावस्तु प्रवर्तते ।

na kartṛtvaṅ na karmāṇi lōkasya sṛjati prabhuḥ.

na karmaphalasaṅyōgaṅ svabhāvastu pravartatē৷৷5.14৷৷

Meaning: God neither creates the doership of humans, nor the combination of actions nor the result of actions, but the nature itself is behaving ॥14॥

नादत्ते कस्यचित्पापं न चैव सुकृतं विभुः ।

अज्ञानेनावृतं ज्ञानं तेन मुह्यन्ति जन्तवः ॥

nādattē kasyacitpāpaṅ na caiva sukṛtaṅ vibhuḥ.

ajñānēnāvṛtaṅ jñānaṅ tēna muhyanti jantavaḥ৷৷5.15৷৷

Meaning: Even the omnipresent Supreme Lord neither accepts anyone’s bad deeds nor anyone’s good deeds, but knowledge is covered by ignorance, because of which all ignorant people are beguiled ॥15॥

ज्ञानेन तु तदज्ञानं येषां नाशितमात्मनः ।

तेषामादित्यवज्ज्ञानं प्रकाशयति तत्परम्‌ ॥

jñānēna tu tadajñānaṅ yēṣāṅ nāśitamātmanaḥ.

tēṣāmādityavajjñānaṅ prakāśayati tatparam৷৷5.16৷৷

Meaning: But those whose ignorance has been destroyed by the elemental knowledge of God, their knowledge illuminates that Supreme God like the Sun ॥16॥

तद्‍बुद्धयस्तदात्मानस्तन्निष्ठास्तत्परायणाः ।

गच्छन्त्यपुनरावृत्तिं ज्ञाननिर्धूतकल्मषाः ॥


gacchantyapunarāvṛttiṅ jñānanirdhūtakalmaṣāḥ৷৷5.17৷৷

Meaning: Those whose mind is being transformed, whose intellect is being transformed and who have constant unity in the Supreme Soul, such self-willed men become free from sin through knowledge and reach the supreme path ॥17॥

विद्याविनयसम्पन्ने ब्राह्मणे गवि हस्तिनि ।

शुनि चैव श्वपाके च पण्डिताः समदर्शिनः ॥

vidyāvinayasaṅpannē brāhmaṇē gavi hastini.

śuni caiva śvapākē ca paṇḍitāḥ samadarśinaḥ৷৷5.18৷৷

Meaning: They are equally equanimous in Brahmins with knowledge and humility and also in cows, elephants, dogs and Chandal (its detail should be seen in the comment of Gita Adhyay 6 Shlok 32.) ॥18॥

इहैव तैर्जितः सर्गो येषां साम्ये स्थितं मनः ।

निर्दोषं हि समं ब्रह्म तस्माद् ब्रह्मणि ते स्थिताः ॥

ihaiva tairjitaḥ sargō yēṣāṅ sāmyē sthitaṅ manaḥ.

nirdōṣaṅ hi samaṅ brahma tasmādbrahmaṇi tē sthitāḥ৷৷5.19৷৷

Meaning: Those whose mind is established in equanimity, the whole world has been conquered by them in this living state because the Supreme Lord is flawless and equal, because of this they are situated in the Supreme Soul ॥19॥

न प्रहृष्येत्प्रियं प्राप्य नोद्विजेत्प्राप्य चाप्रियम्‌ ।

स्थिरबुद्धिरसम्मूढो ब्रह्मविद् ब्रह्मणि स्थितः ॥

na prahṛṣyētpriyaṅ prāpya nōdvijētprāpya cāpriyam.

sthirabuddhirasammūḍhō brahmavidbrahmaṇi sthitaḥ৷৷5.20৷৷

Meaning: The person who is not happy after receiving the beloved and does not get worried after receiving the unpleasant, that man with a stable intellect, free from doubt, Brahmavetta Purush Sachchidanandaghan Parabrahma is eternally situated in unity with the Supreme Soul ॥20॥

बाह्यस्पर्शेष्वसक्तात्मा विन्दत्यात्मनि यत्सुखम्‌ ।

स ब्रह्मयोगयुक्तात्मा सुखमक्षयमश्नुते ॥

bāhyasparśēṣvasaktātmā vindatyātmani yatsukham.

sa brahmayōgayuktātmā sukhamakṣayamaśnutē৷৷5.21৷৷

Meaning: An aspirant with a non-attachment to external subjects attains the sattvic bliss which is due to meditation in the soul, and then he experiences eternal bliss in the form of meditation of the Supreme Lord, the supreme soul of the Sachchidanandandhan.

ये हि संस्पर्शजा भोगा दुःखयोनय एव ते ।

आद्यन्तवन्तः कौन्तेय न तेषु रमते बुधः ॥

yē hi saṅsparśajā bhōgā duḥkhayōnaya ēva tē.

ādyantavantaḥ kauntēya na tēṣu ramatē budhaḥ৷৷5.22৷৷

Meaning: All these enjoyments that arise from the combination of the senses and the subjects, although they appear to be pleasant to the subjects, are still the cause of sorrow and are eternal. That’s why O Arjun! An intelligent and prudent man does not enjoy them ॥22॥

शक्नोतीहैव यः सोढुं प्राक्शरीरविमोक्षणात्‌ ।

कामक्रोधोद्भवं वेगं स युक्तः स सुखी नरः ॥

śaknōtīhaiva yaḥ sōḍhuṅ prākśarīravimōkṣaṇāt.

kāmakrōdhōdbhavaṅ vēgaṅ sa yuktaḥ sa sukhī naraḥ৷৷5.23৷৷

Meaning: The seeker who is able to tolerate the passion arising out of lust and anger in this human body, even before the destruction of the body, that person is a Yogi and that person is happy ॥23॥

योऽन्तःसुखोऽन्तरारामस्तथान्तर्ज्योतिरेव यः ।

स योगी ब्रह्मनिर्वाणं ब्रह्मभूतोऽधिगच्छति ॥

yō.ntaḥsukhō.ntarārāmastathāntarjyōtirēva yaḥ.

sa yōgī brahmanirvāṇaṅ brahmabhūtō.dhigacchati৷৷5.24৷৷

Meaning: The man who is happy in the inner soul, the one who enjoys in the soul and the one who has knowledge in the soul, he attains the Sankhya Yogi Shant Brahma who attains oneness with the Sachchidanandaghan Parabrahma Paramatma ॥24॥

लभन्ते ब्रह्मनिर्वाणमृषयः क्षीणकल्मषाः ।

छिन्नद्वैधा यतात्मानः सर्वभूतहिते रताः ॥

labhantē brahmanirvāṇamṛṣayaḥ kṣīṇakalmaṣāḥ.

chinnadvaidhā yatātmānaḥ sarvabhūtahitē ratāḥ৷৷5.25৷৷

Meaning: Whose sins have been destroyed, whose doubts have been dispelled by knowledge, who are engaged in the welfare of all beings, and whose living mind is steadfastly fixed in the Supreme Soul, those Brahma-knowers attain the tranquil Brahman.॥ 25.

कामक्रोधवियुक्तानां यतीनां यतचेतसाम्‌ ।

अभितो ब्रह्मनिर्वाणं वर्तते विदितात्मनाम्‌ ॥

kāmakrōdhaviyuktānāṅ yatīnāṅ yatacētasām.

abhitō brahmanirvāṇaṅ vartatē viditātmanām৷৷5.26৷৷

Meaning: For wise men who are free from lust and anger, with a living mind, who have interviewed the Supreme Lord, only the Supreme Lord, calm from all sides, is perfect ॥26॥

भक्ति सहित ध्यानयोग तथा भय, क्रोध, यज्ञ आदि का वर्णन

स्पर्शान्कृत्वा बहिर्बाह्यांश्चक्षुश्चैवान्तरे भ्रुवोः ।

प्राणापानौ समौ कृत्वा नासाभ्यन्तरचारिणौ ॥

यतेन्द्रियमनोबुद्धिर्मुनिर्मोक्षपरायणः ।

विगतेच्छाभयक्रोधो यः सदा मुक्त एव सः ॥

sparśānkṛtvā bahirbāhyāṅścakṣuścaivāntarē bhruvōḥ.

prāṇāpānau samau kṛtvā nāsābhyantaracāriṇau৷৷5.27৷৷


vigatēcchābhayakrōdhō yaḥ sadā mukta ēva saḥ৷৷5.28৷৷

Meaning: Without thinking about external objects and pleasures, taking them outside and keeping the vision of the eyes fixed in the middle of the forehead and equalizing the prana and apanavayu wandering in the nasika, whose senses, mind and intellect are alive, such a person who attains salvation Muni (one who constantly meditates on the form of God.) has become free from desire, fear and anger, he is always free ॥27-28॥

भोक्तारं यज्ञतपसां सर्वलोकमहेश्वरम्‌ ।

सुहृदं सर्वभूतानां ज्ञात्वा मां शान्तिमृच्छति ॥

bhōktāraṅ yajñatapasāṅ sarvalōkamahēśvaram.

suhṛdaṅ sarvabhūtānāṅ jñātvā māṅ śāntimṛcchati৷৷5.29৷৷

Meaning: My devotee attains peace knowing Me as the enjoyer of all sacrifices and austerities, the God of the gods of all the worlds and the benevolent of all ghosts, i.e. selfless kind and lover.॥29॥

ॐ तत्सदिति श्रीमद्भगवद्गीतासूपनिषत्सु ब्रह्मविद्यायां योगशास्त्रे 

श्रीकृष्णार्जुनसंवादे कर्मसंन्यासयोगो नाम पंचमोऽध्यायः ॥5॥

Web Title: Bhagwat Gita Chapter 5 in hindi, Hindi Bhagwat Gita Chapter 5, KarmSanyasYog Bhagwat Gita Chapter 5 In Hindi, Bhagwat Gita Updesh, Gita Chapter 5 In Hindi Online, Read Gita In Hindi Online, Hindi Gita Online, कर्मसंन्यासयोग,गीता के श्लोक,भगवत गीता, गीता सार,KarmSanyasYog

भगवत गीता के अन्य अध्यायों को भी पढ़ें :

अर्जुनविषादयोग ~ भगवत गीता ~ अध्याय एक – Bhagwat Geeta Chapter 1

सांख्ययोग ~ भगवत गीता ~ द्वितीय दो – Bhagwat Geeta Chapter 2

कर्मयोग~ भगवत गीता ~ अध्याय तीन – Karmyog Bhagwat Geeta Chapter 3

ज्ञानकर्मसंन्यासयोग – अध्याय चार~GyanKarmSanyasYog Bhagwat Geeta Chapter 4

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