Short Stories on Responsibility

Responsibility is an essential quality that we all need to learn and practice in our daily lives. It is the ability to be accountable for our actions, decisions, and consequences. In today’s fast-paced world, where we often prioritize our own needs and desires, we tend to overlook the importance of being responsible toward ourselves and others.

Short stories are a great way to convey powerful messages and moral lessons, and there are many such stories that revolve around the theme of responsibility. These stories can be a valuable tool for teaching children and adults alike about the importance of taking responsibility for their actions, being accountable, and making the right choices.

In this article, we will explore some of the best short stories on the responsibility that can inspire and motivate readers to take ownership of their lives and make responsible decisions. These stories range from the sic fables to modern-day tales, and they all offer valuable insights into the rewards and consequences of being responsible. Whether you are a parent, teacher, or an individual looking to improve your own sense of responsibility, these stories are sure to leave a lasting impact on you.

Story 1

Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a boy named Sam who loved to play football. Sam was a very talented football player, and he often played in the village’s local team. However, Sam had a bad habit of not taking responsibility for his mistakes.

During one of the village’s annual football tournaments, Sam’s team was playing against their rivals. The match was intense, and both teams played hard to win. In the last few minutes of the game, Sam had the ball and was about to score the winning goal, but he missed the shot, and the ball went out of bounds.

Sam’s team lost the game, and he was very upset. Sam blamed his teammates for the loss, saying they did not pass the ball to him enough. His teammates were hurt and disappointed by his behavior, and they started to distance themselves from him.

Sam realized that he had made a mistake by not taking responsibility for his missed shot. He apologized to his teammates and promised to work harder and take responsibility for his actions. Sam worked hard and became a better player, but more importantly, he became a better person by learning the importance of taking responsibility.

During the next year’s tournament, Sam’s team made it to the finals, and Sam had the ball again in the last few minutes of the game. This time, he took responsibility for his actions, and he passed the ball to his teammate, who scored the winning goal.

Sam’s team won the tournament, and Sam felt proud of himself for taking responsibility and being a team player.

The moral of the story is that taking responsibility for our actions is essential in becoming a better person. It is important to own up to our mistakes and take the necessary steps to make things right. By doing so, we can gain the respect of others and become more responsible individuals.


Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Jack who lived with his parents in a small village. Jack loved playing with his friends, and he spent most of his free time outdoors. However, he never liked taking responsibility for his actions, and often blamed others for his mistakes.

One day, Jack and his friends were playing near a riverbank. Jack found a beautiful rock and decided to throw it into the river. He did not realize that the rock hit a small bird sitting nearby and injured its wing. Jack’s friends saw what happened and asked him to take responsibility for his actions, but Jack refused to do so, claiming it was an accident.

Days passed, and Jack forgot about the incident, but the injured bird could not fly and struggled to survive. One day, Jack’s mother found the bird and took care of it. She asked Jack to take care of the bird and promised to help it recover.

At first, Jack was hesitant and did not want to take responsibility for the bird’s well-being. However, as he started to take care of the bird, he realized the importance of being responsible for his actions. He learned that his actions had consequences and that it was his responsibility to take care of the bird until it was fully recovered.

Days turned into weeks, and Jack’s patience and perseverance paid off. The bird’s wing healed, and it was finally able to fly again. Jack was overjoyed, and he felt a sense of pride and accomplishment for taking responsibility for his actions.

The moral of the story is that taking responsibility for our actions is an essential part of growing up. We must learn to be accountable for our mistakes and take the necessary steps to make things right. By doing so, we can earn the respect and trust of others and become better individuals.


Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Lily who loved spending time with her friends. One day, Lily and her friends were playing in a nearby park when they accidentally knocked over a trash can. The trash spilled out onto the ground, but Lily and her friends ran away, leaving the mess behind.

A park ranger saw what happened and approached Lily to ask her about the incident. Lily denied having any involvement, even though the ranger knew that she was one of the kids who caused the mess. The ranger asked Lily to clean up the trash, but Lily refused, saying it was not her responsibility.

Days went by, and Lily continued to feel guilty about what had happened. She knew that she should have taken responsibility for her actions, but she did not know how to make things right. Finally, Lily decided to go back to the park and clean up the mess she and her friends had made.

Lily spent the entire day cleaning up the park, and by the end of it, she felt a sense of accomplishment. She realized that taking responsibility for her actions was the right thing to do, and it made her feel better about herself.

The next day, Lily went to the park ranger and apologized for not taking responsibility earlier. The ranger appreciated Lily’s honesty and hard work and commended her for doing the right thing.

From that day on, Lily learned the importance of taking responsibility for her actions. She promised to always do the right thing, even if it was not easy, and to make sure that she never caused harm to others or the environment again.

The moral of the story is that taking responsibility for our actions is essential in becoming a responsible and respected member of society. It is important to do the right thing, even when it is difficult, and to make amends when we have caused harm. By doing so, we can earn the respect of others and become better individuals.

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