What are Transcendental Meditation Mantras

Transcendental Meditation (TM) utilizes specific mantras, which are sacred sounds or words, to aid practitioners in achieving a state of deep relaxation and heightened awareness. These mantras are selected based on individual suitability by certified TM teachers during initiation into the practice. Each person is given a mantra that is kept private and is not shared with others.

TM mantras are typically chosen from a specific set of sounds called “Bija” or “Seed” mantras, which are believed to resonate with different aspects of consciousness. These mantras are often Sanskrit words or syllables that hold no specific meaning, allowing the mind to naturally settle into a state of deep restfulness during meditation.

Here are a few examples of Bija mantras commonly used in meditation practices:

1. “Om” (pronounced as AUM)
2. “So Hum” (meaning “I am that” or “I am that I am”)
3. “Sham” (associated with peace and tranquility)
4. “Ham” (associated with the breath and the throat chakra)
5. “Yam” (associated with the heart chakra and emotional balance)
6. “Om Namah Shivaya” (a popular Hindu mantra meaning “I bow to Shiva”)

It’s important to note that while these mantras are commonly used in various meditation practices, including TM, they may not necessarily be suitable for everyone. In TM, the selection of a mantra is based on individual factors such as age, gender, and personality, and is provided by a trained TM teacher.

If you’re interested in learning TM and receiving a personalized mantra, it’s best to seek instruction from a certified TM teacher who can guide you through the practice and provide you with a mantra suited to your individual needs.

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