Words of Affirmation for Men

Words of Affirmation for Men

  • I am confident strong and powerful
  • I bravely strive for what I want for my life I am confident in social situations
  • I believe in myself I always fight for myself and my beliefs
  • I boldly approach every challenge
  • I’m good with who I am proud of Who I am becoming
  • I’m done being used and taken advantage of 
  • I won’t give up when times get hard and things stop being easy 
  • My confidence isn’t built off compliments it’s built on mastery and competence.
  • Impressing people isn’t that important 
  • I like Who I am
  • I believe I can accomplish the goals 
  • I’m setting for myself 
  • I’m being honest about what I want and I know why I need to accomplish these goals
  • I’m good with who I am 
  • I’m proud of Who I am becoming
Words of Affirmation for Men

  • The more work I do the better I’m going to get
  • I’m resilient 
  • I change my thoughts the world around me changes
  • I’m in the process of making positive changes in all areas of my life
  • My deepest desires are being fulfilled now
  • I valued my worth I am talented I’m not going to sell me short
  • Impressing people isn’t that important
  • I like Who I am
  • I’ll never give a person the power to use their words or actions to destroy my self-esteem
  • If you are using me or always putting me down you don’t have a place in my life
  • I define who I am
  • I decide what I do
  • A reputation is something I’ll never fully have control over but I can control how I live my life
  • I can only control what I do 
  • I can’t control what they think say or feel about me
  • I have to learn to speak up for myself 
  • I can still be respectful but I have to let people know that they can’t walk all over me
  • Regardless of the challenge whatever is thrown in front of me he’s going to take care of it
  • No one can give me my purpose it has to come from within
  • My journey of self-love isn’t about me being selfish it’s about me becoming the best version of myself 
  • I am worth something and I won’t let anyone try to break me down 
  • I am perfectly whole and complete
  • I am a priority, not an option
  • I changed the way I look at things and the things I look at are changing in positive ways
  • I feel totally at peace with myself and everyone else
  • Everything I desire comes to me easily and effortlessly

Practice these Words of Affirmation for Men every day

  • I no longer have the need for approval or recognition from others
  • I developed the powers of my mind through meditation and positive affirmations
  • Self-care isn’t always fun or easy but it’s what I have to do to stay healthy
  • I’m not selfish if I focus on myself for a little bit I need to make sure I’m okay and healthy
  • I have no room in my life for negativity
  • What others say and think about me is none of my business
  • The more I love myself the more I realize people that who disrespect me have no place in my life
  • I am in the process of manifesting my heart’s desires
  • I’m going to live my life at my own pace
  • I don’t need to try to compete with anyone else 
  • I’m going to control myself build my discipline and not give every time I have a craving
  • Right now I’m rebuilding and getting back on my feet
  • I can’t afford to have any negative energy around me
  • I am deeply grateful for all of the wonderful people and things in my life
  • I wake up today with strength in my heart and clarity in my mind
  • My obstacles are moving out of my way
  • My path is carved towards greatness
  • My dreams manifest into reality before my eyes
  • My future is an ideal projection of what I envisioned
  • Everything that is happening now is happening for my ultimate good
  • I acknowledge my own self-worth my confidence is soaring
  • I have been blessed with an incredible family and wonderful friends
  • Many people look up to me and recognize my worth
  • I am admired today I abandon my old habits and take up new more positive ones
  • My thoughts are filled with positivity and my life is plentiful with prosperity
  • I am courageous and I stand up for each day I am closer to finding the perfect job for me 
  • I deserve to be employed and paid well for my time efforts and ideas
  • My ability to conquer my challenges is limitless my potential to succeed is infinite
  • Happiness is a choice 
  • I base my happiness on my own accomplishments and the blessings I’ve been given creative energy surges through me and leads me to new and brilliant ideas
  • I possess the qualities needed to be extremely successful I am guided in every step by a spirit who leads me towards what I must know and do 
  • A river of compassion washes away my anger and replaces it with love
  • I forgive those who have harmed me in my past and peacefully detach from them 
  • I have been given endless talents which I utilize every day
  • I am superior to negative thoughts
  • I’m the architect of my life  and I build its foundation and choose its contents
  • I am going to make progress in my personal relationships in my life even though I might not always see it
  • I’m here for a reason even though I’ve made mistakes in the past
  • I’m still a good person even though I forget sometimes
  • I accept who I am
  • I’m a good person
  • I’m good and nobody is perfect
  • I embrace both my good and bad qualities 
  • Today I’ll take responsibility for everything I do and say
  • I’m becoming a better person every day
  • I’m a sensitive person who experiences the world differently 
  • Each day I do the best I can
  • I want to live my dream for me not to get revenge on others
  • My success doesn’t equal anyone else’s failure
  • No one can give me my purpose it has to come from within
  • I care about myself and other people
  • I’m proud of myself for being able to turn down things that I know aren’t healthy for me

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