I AM Affirmations for Spiritual Success Abundance and Prosperity

I AM Affirmations for Spiritual Success Abundance and Prosperity

Thank you for being here. Dear soul, I’m Sunil and from my heart, I welcome you to this article of I am affirmations for spiritual abundance, prosperity and success.

On your terms know and trust that your subconscious mind listens and absorbs every word you readout even if you may not consciously read every affirmation that is written here. 

There is no need to repeat them or make an effort to remember all of them. Just allow them to flow to you like you are standing in a beautiful waterfall completely in the present moment imagine that the high vibrational words shared here are your words that they are your reality and only that which is for your higher good will be absorbed and reinforced by your body mind heart and spirit aligning to higher consciousness.

Let’s Begin

Everything is energy, my thoughts and emotions are vibrating and specific frequencies are creating my reality.

My emotions at any given time are created by my focus where focus goes, energy flows.

This is a new day. I am embracing this precious moment, every moment is filled with infinite possibilities.

I am a loving soul in a human body.

I have a purpose for being here. I am stepping into a new and fresh awareness of abundance, prosperity and success connecting with my true purpose.

I am now allowing myself to attract success on my terms. Whatever I want wants me abundance is all around me because I am connected to the abundant universe.

Infinite potential and unconditional love are always flowing through me, circulating in me.

I am deserving. I am attracting and creating success from my heart. My mind and heart are best friends.

I have every opportunity to succeed within me. 

I am attractive. 

I am standing in the river of success.

Success flows to me naturally.

I am connecting to my Higher Self and universal intelligence and I allow myself to be guided.

It is safe to follow my passion that which gives me passion and joy in life is an indicator of what my purpose in life is!

I choose to follow the threads of joy.

I am giving thanks and I am grateful for all my success in life. 

I am sailing the sea of abundance. I am the captain of my ship navigating through the sea of life following my compass.

I am enjoying all the success that is showing itself in different forms.

I deserve to be prosperous and successful.

I choose to live for my heart and give for my heart.

I am courageously going after what I want in life.

I am bathing in the river of creativity and brilliant ideas.

I am a positive thinker.

I am a magnet to prescribe to success.

I take action on my awesome ideas.

I love making my goals come to fruition.

I am inspired to express my ideas and thoughts.

I am a magnet to success. I am a magnet to abundance. I am a magnet to prosperity. I am honouring the fact that abundance is my birthright. 

I am using the flow of abundance in my life to create abundance for others.

I love to create value for other people. 

I am encouraging myself every day. 

I am a positive thinker. I am optimistic. I am generous. 

I have compassion and I am loved.

I am successful in all areas of my life.

I am passionate about life.

I am naturally becoming increasingly more grateful every day on days when I do not feel abundant and prosperous.

I can simply focus on things that I can be grateful for in my life and that will reach in my frequency to the vibration of abundance.

Abundance is a choice. I am choosing abundance now. 

I now allow myself to let go of the need to hold on to all thoughts and beliefs about success and abundance that have been blocking my growth. Most of these thoughts and beliefs are not even mine. 

I have unconsciously been programmed by society and other people on my journey here on earth but here I am, this is a new day. I am now choosing to consciously reprogram myself for the higher good.

I allow myself to let go of old energy that is not even mine. 

I have been holding onto it for too long.

I am accepting my past because acceptance opens up the doors of change if I do not accept I cannot change acceptance is the key to freedom I have that key it is safe to let go now I am listening to this for a reason I am ready I am free to choose success prosperity and abundance is a natural part of the universal flow of life energy in the past I may have been disconnected from this life energy that time is over I am now awakening to my infinite potential and resources I am reconnecting and aligning with a vibration of abundance prosperity and happiness I am curious and excited about all the abundance that is on its way to me now I am manifesting from my arts I am so happy and grateful for the abundance circulating in my life [Music] abundance abundance is a choice I choose to receive with gratitude I am asking because I know that that is the key for receiving I am standing on the mountaintop of faith faith get the intelligence of life [Music] I choose to give generously than unconditionally I have an attitude of gratitude I am radiating my light through all the ways I express my uniqueness I am always learning new things that bring even more success I am successful in all areas of my life I love the surprise when success comes to me in unexpected ways I am alive to the joys of living I invite abundance and wealth into my life now I am choosing to be happy with what I already have in my life happiness is a choice I choose to accept the fact that I can change whatever needs to be changed I have a gift of free will I can walk out of one door and into another one [Music] I am pure love in human form in human form I am generosity I have compassion I am joy I am love I am proud to be a person that follow my goals dreams and desires no matter what anyone else thinks says or do I go after what I want with courage love and confidence I have my path they have theirs every being has its own unique path we are all family and mother earth is our home all that I seek seeks me all that I seek is already within me [Music] I am connected with my Higher Self and my unique creativity I am a joyous being people I meet feel that energy high vibration is my reality I am so grateful that life supports me in every possible way I am allowing abundance to flow and circulates freely through me I am realizing that my ultimate goals and dreams are waiting for me I am releasing the need to know how and when that will happen I choose to connect with the inner knowing that universal intelligence is supporting me I am trusting the love in my body mind heart and spirits to guide me [Music] I am reminding myself every day that I am a soul in a human body here to contribute and grow to learn an experience to love and to have fun to live my purpose to be me for the highest good of every soul involved I am now choosing to resonate with the vibration of my goals and dreams I can only attract that which is aligned with my vibration my vibration is my reality my vibration is my life [Music] my appreciation and love for life is constantly expanding I am one with the power that created me I am free I am generous I am compassionate I am a divine spark of universal light all my goals and needs are met now because I am the universe and the universe is everything I am all that is I am pure power in human form abundance is flowing to me from multiple sources all this are something better are happening now in multiple realities for the highest good of every soul involved [Music] you have every opportunity to succeed success with it and within you you are standing in the river of success success flows to you naturally it is safe to follow your passion that which gives you passion and joy in life is an indicator of what your life purpose is you choose to follow the threads of joy you love making your goals come to fruition you are courageously going after what you want in life you choose to live from your heart and give from your heart you are inspired to express your ideas and thoughts you are abundantly creative you have every opportunity to succeed within you you are you are connect your higher higher self or your you create creativity you take action on your awesome ideas you take action towards your goals and dreams you are a magnet to success and you are honoring the fact that abundance is your birthright you are using the flow of abundance in your life to create abundance for others you love to create value for other people you are bathing in the river of creativity and brilliant ideas you are amazed by all the ideas that come to you you are curious and excited about what’s to come you are manifesting from your heart you love the surprise when success comes to you in unexpected ways you are so happy and grateful for the abundance circulating your life already you are alive you are radically become increasingly more graceful everyday you are passionate about love you invite abundance and wealth into your you choose to receive with a gratitude you choose to receive generously and unconditionally are sailing the sea of abundance you are the captain of your ship navigating through the sea of life following your inner compass [Music] [Music] [Music] you are radiating your light through all the ways you express your uniqueness you are always learning new things that bring even more success and abundance in your who you are enjoying all the success that is showing itself in different years are successful and prosperous in all areas of your life you are asking because you know that asking is the key for receiving you are standing on the mountaintop of faith faith in the intelligence of life you are a prosperity magnets on days when you do not feel abundant and prosperous you can simply focus on the things that you can be grateful for in your life and that will reach you and realign your frequency to the vibration of abundance [Music] abundance is a choice you choose abundance because you can you’re giving thanks and you are grateful for all the success and prosperity that you are attracting you deserve to be prosperous and successful every day that goes by you are feeling increasingly more abundance you are enjoying all the success that is showing itself and different for you courage yourself every day you are a positive thinker you’re optimistic optimisations you love the surprise when success comes to you in unexpected ways you are alive to the joys of living you invite abundance and wealth into your life now you are reminded every day that you are a soul in a human body here to contribute and grow to learn an experience to love and have fun to live a life of purpose to be yourself for the highest gift of every soul involved high vibration is your reality you choose to be happy with what you already have in your life happiness is your choice you choose to be happy with what you already have in your life happiness is your choice song that you seek you see you allow abundance to flow and circulate freely all that you seek is already within you life supports you in every possible way you are a joyous being connect with that joy connect with the vibration of joy no matter what anyone else thinks success or do you go after what you want with courage love and confidence you have your path they have theirs you inspire others with your courage to walk your own path you realize that your ultimate goals and dreams are waiting for you you are trusting the love in your hearts mind body and spirit to guide you [Music] your appreciation and love for life is constantly expanding and abundance and prosperity circulates in your life freely as a result of your appreciation [Music] you are one with the power that created you you are free you are generous you’re compassionate you’re kind you’re a divine spark of universal light you aren’t good enough you are valuable you’re worthy you are important you’re perfect just as you are you are complete

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