Transform Fear Into Power and Take Control of Your Destiny by Dima Ghawi

The story of Dima Ghawi is so inspiring and worth a read. Learn how to transform fear Into Power and take control of your Destiny. Dima Ghawi speaks about her own life journey.

Transform Fear Into Power and Take Control of Your Destiny By Dima Ghawi

In the word of Dima Ghawi:

A woman is comparable to a beautiful glass vase. If it fractures for any reason, you will never be able to repair or glue it back together. It will always be viewed as cracked.

This story has been passed down for generations in my family, from my great-grandmother to my grandmother to me, and it has become a big stumbling block in my life.

But I was concentrating on everything. All of the duties that were allocated to me were performed. I was 19 years old when I got engaged, due to a family recommendation to the community’s most eligible bachelor. My parents were overjoyed. The meeting was organized by his mother. She introduced us, we married, and we moved to San Diego, California to pursue his professional ambitions together.

I hoped that by marrying and relocating to the United States, I would be able to finally reveal and be respected for my genuine self. But, to my astonishment, the anticipation never subsided.

They were actually larger, and I was expected to maintain an impeccable appearance by doing more and more. It gave me the impression that I was renting an apartment. I was only there to help him and his family. Once a week, I was allowed to speak with my parents for 20 minutes. I didn’t want to stay in that relationship, but I didn’t want to go away either.

My life appeared to be drawing to a close. There was nothing to live for at the time, and I wasn’t even 25. And it was at that point that I resolved to confront my concerns full on and take action regardless. I packed my belongings and walked away.

I went to bed that night knowing I had broken the vase.

Even though I was terrified, I knew I’d made the right choice. My relatives not only rejected me, but one even tried to assassinate me to save the family’s honour. And, if you’re wondering who has been trying to kill me for the past 16 years, it’s my own father, who believes that I have brought shame to the family and that the only way to clear that shame is to spill blood, my blood.

As a result, I had no choice but to move on. I was no longer able to travel across time. I needed to create a new story about self-discovery and empowerment. That was just something I couldn’t figure out how to do.

I was barely scraping by, and the only way I could see myself progressing was through education. As a result, I made the decision to attend the University of San Diego. I started applying for jobs again less than a year later because I wanted to improve my interviewing skills.

Every company I applied to made me an offer to join their Leadership Development Program, including IBM. I was fearful of leaving San Diego, of leaving behind my background, and of establishing myself at such a major firm.

But something inside of me kept telling me to experience the dread and do something anyhow. I went ahead and did exactly that. That was the point at which the world began to open up to me. I was able to work and travel all over the world with IBM. I lived in Japan for over a year. At the United Nations in South Africa, I had the opportunity to work with them on projects.

I was given the opportunity to lead global teams, and I reminded myself every day when I got up to feel dread and act nevertheless. And people from all around the world would send me messages, telling me how their lives were connected to my story in some way.

All ages of men and women are welcome. The idea of perfection and the constant fear of making mistakes resonated across religions, careers, and everything else. Fear of being judged and a desire for excellence

According to my grandmother, the pure, beautiful glass represents the unreachable standards that I refuse to follow.

How many different types of vases do you have in your house?

Who says you can’t go for your dreams?

Who said you couldn’t just be yourself?

What is blocking you from accomplishing your objectives?

We can either remain living in fear and keep the glass vase in perfect shape, or we can feel the fear and act nonetheless. Smash it with all the anxiety, worry, and embarrassment it represents.

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