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3 Things to Remember to Change your Destiny and Take Control of your Life

3 Things to Remember to Change your Destiny and Take Control of your Life

Embarking on a journey to change your destiny and take control of your life requires courage, determination, and an unwavering belief in yourself. It’s about recognizing that you have the power to rewrite your story, to create a life that reflects your true potential and deepest aspirations.

In this fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the currents of routine, obligations, and societal expectations. We often find ourselves drifting away from our dreams, succumbing to the gravitational pull of conformity. However, there comes a time when we must realize that our lives are not predetermined by external forces alone. We hold the key to unlocking our own potential and paving the way to a future that resonates with our truest selves.

Often, people find themselves trapped in a fixed mindset, believing that they have reached their maximum potential and can no longer grow. However, this is a pity because human life is meant for progress. Even if we cannot achieve the ultimate goal, we should strive to move forward from where we started, using what we have, in order to make our lives successful.

When we decide to grow, we must ask ourselves how to achieve this growth and what it means. Regardless of our circumstances or location, each of us has an inner feeling that we have not yet become who we want to be, done what we want to do, or experienced the happiness we desire. This is why we need to continue progressing.

In the physical realm, we can observe how world records in track and field keep getting pushed further and further. Just like in the realm of our minds, where we continue to expand and grow, inner growth is the most important. As philosopher, Oliver Wendell Holmes once said, “The mind, once expanded to the dimension of new ideas, never returns to its original size.” We should always embrace growth.

Take, for example, the renowned cellist Pablo Casals, who, at the age of 95, still practiced six hours a day. When asked why he continued to practice at such an age, he replied, “Because I am still progressing.” Unfortunately, many of us dampen our enthusiasm for growth after achieving certain accomplishments, thinking we have already done enough. However, today’s accomplishments should not hinder our progress. We can learn from Edmund Hillary, who failed in his initial attempt to scale Mount Everest but came back the following year with determination and defeated the mountain. He didn’t let his past accomplishments limit his growth and thus he was able to change his destiny.

To understand the meaning of growth, it is important to define success for our own lives. If we are unsure of what success means to us, we will be aimlessly running without direction. It is crucial to determine our goals early on to avoid realizing, later in life, that we were chasing the wrong concept of success. Success, in my definition, should have three aspects: feeling good, being good, and doing good.

3 Things to Remember to Change your Destiny

Feeling Good

Feeling good is a multifaceted endeavor that encompasses the pursuit of happiness, peace, and contentment in our lives. It involves an inner journey of personal growth and self-improvement, as well as an outward expression of qualities that reflect the best aspects of our human nature.

To truly feel good, it is crucial to strive towards becoming good individuals. This process entails cultivating and embodying qualities that uplift ourselves and those around us. Qualities such as kindness, justice, honesty, truthfulness, and compassion form the bedrock of our moral compass and guide us towards a path of inner fulfillment and genuine happiness.

These qualities can be seen as divine, as they resonate with the inherent goodness within each of us. We are drawn to them because they reflect our true nature and our connection to something greater than ourselves. Just as fragments of a mirror reflect the image of the whole, these divine qualities are like little parts of God or the divine essence that exist within us.

Feeling Good and Happy

While it may be true that some individuals may not consistently demonstrate these qualities in their actions or behavior, it is important to recognize that deep down, they still possess an innate appreciation and longing for them. Despite external circumstances or choices that may have led them astray, the yearning for goodness persists within their hearts. This longing arises because these divine qualities are fundamental to our human nature and serve as a compass that points us towards a life of purpose, harmony, and fulfillment.

By consciously striving to embody these qualities, we not only nurture our own well-being but also inspire and uplift those around us. Acts of kindness, justice, honesty, truthfulness, and compassion have a ripple effect, spreading positivity and creating a more harmonious and compassionate world.

Moreover, by embracing and cultivating these divine qualities within ourselves, we contribute to our own sense of inner peace and contentment. When we align our actions with these virtues, we experience a sense of harmony and congruence within ourselves. We recognize that we are living in accordance with our deepest values and purpose, and this alignment brings about a profound sense of fulfillment and lasting happiness.

Being Good

Being good is not only essential for our actions and how we treat others, but it also plays a significant role in our own sense of well-being and inner peace. When we engage in behaviors that align with our values and exhibit virtues such as kindness, compassion, and integrity, we create a harmonious connection with our authentic selves and the world around us.

Deep down, we are all inherently drawn towards what can be considered divine qualities. These qualities, such as love, honesty, and fairness, resonate with our core being and reflect the best versions of ourselves. When we act in accordance with these values, we experience a sense of alignment and congruence within ourselves.

Even individuals who may identify themselves as hypocrites or engage in questionable actions cannot escape the intuitive yearning for goodness. Despite their self-awareness of their misaligned behavior, there is a subconscious longing to be virtuous and lead a life of integrity. This internal conflict arises because our true nature seeks authenticity and a genuine expression of who we are.

Being Good and Kind

For instance, while someone may appear to disregard the value of truthfulness, deep down, they still expect honesty from others. This contradiction arises because honesty is a universally valued quality that transcends personal biases or individual beliefs. We all inherently understand the importance of trust and integrity in our interactions with others. Therefore, even those who may exhibit hypocrisy or dishonesty will object if they themselves are lied to, as it challenges the foundation of trust and undermines their own desire for authenticity.

The universality of honesty as a valued quality highlights its significance in human relationships and societal structures. Honesty builds trust, fosters meaningful connections, and enables cooperation and mutual understanding. It serves as a moral compass guiding our actions and shaping our interactions with others.

Doing Good

Doing good and making a positive impact in the world are essential components of achieving true success and experiencing genuine happiness. While personal achievements and material gains may bring temporary satisfaction, they are often fleeting and lack the deeper sense of fulfillment that comes from contributing to the well-being of others and society as a whole.

As human beings, we possess an innate desire to create a positive difference in the lives of those around us. This desire stems from our inherent interconnectedness and the recognition that our actions have the power to ripple through the lives of others, shaping their experiences and influencing the world we collectively inhabit.

If our actions do not align with this innate desire to do good, we may find ourselves feeling unfulfilled and disconnected from a higher sense of purpose. Just as a woodcutter cannot derive contentment from hitting a tree with the wrong side of the axe, we cannot expect to find contentment if our work and actions fail to create a positive impact.

what good shall i do today

Finding happiness and contentment requires us to contribute to the greater good. It involves actively engaging in actions that uplift and benefit others, whether it’s through acts of kindness, philanthropy, social activism, or any form of service. By directing our energy and efforts towards creating a positive impact, we tap into a profound sense of fulfillment and meaning that transcends personal achievements.

Moreover, the satisfaction that comes from doing good extends beyond the immediate gratification of our own desires. It lies in the recognition that our contributions have the potential to improve the lives of others, foster positive change, and contribute to the betterment of society. This understanding creates a virtuous cycle where our actions and intentions are driven by the genuine desire to uplift and empower others, leading to a deeper and more sustainable sense of personal happiness.

Ultimately, the pursuit of success should encompass not only personal achievements but also a commitment to making a positive difference in the world. By aligning our actions with the well-being of others and society, we tap into a profound source of contentment, purpose, and lasting fulfillment. Remember, true success lies not only in what we achieve for ourselves but also in the positive impact we create in the lives of others.

Therefore, success should involve striving to be the best version of ourselves, doing the best we can, and feeling the best we can as a result. It is crucial to understand that we are responsible for our actions, and God is not the doer of everything. While some people may attribute their mistakes or actions to the will of God, it is important to acknowledge our individual responsibility. Start to take control of your life and change your destiny from today. 

Destiny is often blamed for our circumstances, but in reality, it is our own actions that shape our destiny. Our accumulated karmas from past lives, known as Sanchit Karma, contribute to our destiny in this life. However, at every moment, we have the free will to act, and these actions, known as Kriyaman Karma, play a significant role in shaping our lives. Destiny accounts for only a small portion of our experiences, while the majority is influenced by our own choices and efforts.

Rather than focusing on finding out our destiny or blaming external factors, we should concentrate on making our own destiny. Effort, utilizing the time we have, and taking charge of our minds are key factors in creating a successful life. Excuses and blame will not lead us to progress, but a proactive mindset and a willingness to correct our defective mindsets will pave the way for growth and personal development.

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