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21 Amazing benefits of chanting hanuman chalisa

21 Amazing Benefits of Chanting Hanuman Chalisa

Chanting of Hanuman Chalisa gives strength, intelligence, and knowledge, eliminating diseases, grief, ailments, and planetary dosh conditions. In this article, we will have an in-depth understanding of why leaders around the world recommended chanting Shri Hanuman Chalisa.

What is Shri Hanuman Chalisa and What is its importance?

Hanuman Chalisa is a poetic composition composed of couplets. It was composed by Goswami Tulsidasji. The entire composition of Hanuman Chalisa consists of 3 couplets and 40 quatrains. There are two couplets in the beginning, then there are 40 quatrains, then one couplet is in the last. Goswami Tulsidas ji has used couplets in the form of praise.

Shri Hanuman ji is the eleventh Rudra avatar of Lord Shiva. Like Lord Shiva, Hanuman ji gets pleased with even a small effort of the devotees and fulfills their wishes quickly.

Hanuman Chalisa is a very simple and best way to get the blessings of Shri Hanuman ji. The Chanting of Hanuman Chalisa works as an infallible remedy in our life when any crisis, trouble, or calamity comes. But one should have pure devotion to Lord Hanuman, mere chanting will not do any good.

What is Hanuman Chalisa?

When to chant Hanuman Chalisa?

How to chant Hanuman Chalisa, and what is its method of Chanting?

Can women recite Hanuman Chalisa?

When does Chanting of Hanuman Chalisa cause harm and why?

Benefits and advantages of chanting Shri Hanuman Chalisa

Chanting of Shri Hanuman Chalisa is very beneficial for all classes of people. But the Chanting of Hanuman Chalisa should be done with full devotion, and a concentrated mind only then only the desired result can be achieved.

Let us know about the advantages and benefits of chanting/reciting Shri Hanuman Chalisa with true mind and full devotion:-

Hanuman Chalisa Benefits

1. Benefits of Chanting Hanuman Chalisa for Kids

The Chanting of Shri Hanuman Chalisa proves to be very useful even for infants or young children. Children must be told the lesson of Shri Hanuman Chalisa. Due to this, the complaint of kids being afraid while in Sleep go away. Kids get the faith that God is there to protect them and he is just a chat away.

2. Benefits of Chanting Hanuman Chalisa for Teenagers

Chanting of Hanuman Chalisa proves to be a boon for the children of adolescence. Regular reading of it gives him all he needs. Strength, wisdom, courage, and mental balance are all benefits of the Chanting of Hanuman Chalisa.

3. Benefits of Chanting Hanuman Chalisa for Students

Whoever prays and worships Lord Hanuman reaps the benefit of a fulfilling and satisfying life. Lord Hanuman is dear to everyone.

The Chanting of Shri Hanuman Chalisa is also very useful for student of any age.

There is a lot of pressure on the students to score good marks and become something.

Reciting Shri Hanuman Chalisa with a true heart brings concentration, sharpens memory, boosts morale. All this is very important for the students. Chanting of Shri Hanuman Chalisa starts generating positive thinking on the mind. Due to this, students do their study work with full dedication, due to which they get good marks.

4. Benefits of Chanting Hanuman Chalisa for Adults

The youth must recite Shri Hanuman Chalisa if they are not able to find jobs, or not able to scale their businesses. Its recommended for all students or aspirants who are preparing for competitive examinations as well.

Lord Hanuman is the giver of strength, wisdom, and knowledge. The mind remains calm by reciting Shri Hanuman Chalisa, and the focus on work improves. The mind does not panic about doing any difficult task or trying something new.

When you uplift your spirit, no difficult task seems difficult.

In this way, by reciting Shri Hanuman Chalisa, job holders get promotions very quickly. One who runs his own business gets profits in the business and touches new heights.

5. Benefits of Chanting Hanuman Chalisa for the Elderly

Worship of Lord Hanuman ji and Chanting of Hanuman Chalisa works as a panacea for the elderly. Worshiping Shri Hanuman ji methodically with a true heart and reciting Hanuman Chalisa makes the life of the elderly happy and blissful.

Old age is a time in life when one starts leaving all that one calls their own. The body starts getting weak. Geriatric diseases start to grip. The saddest thing is that the family, whom he considered as his own and did not do anything for him, has to be neglected even by those people. All these things bring down morale. He starts breaking down.

By worshiping Shri Hanuman ji and reciting Hanuman Chalisa, a person starts winning these sorrows and troubles. Has a positive effect on the mind. Due to this the morale rises. Shri Hanuman ji is celibate and recluse. By worshiping them, a person learns the art of living. Hanuman Chalisa should be recited after worshiping Shri Ram and Hanuman ji.

After that sitting in meditation ‘Om Hanumante Namah’ chanting of this mantra should be practiced by combining Anulom Vilom and Kapalbhati Pranayam with breathing. Geriatric diseases are cured by this.

 1. Intellectual development

Friends, we have told above that how useful is the Chanting of Hanuman Chalisa for the students. Chanting of Hanuman Chalisa leads to intellectual development. It is not that the intellectual development should be of the students only, the Chanting of Hanuman Chalisa leads to mental development of all the people.

Chanting of Hanuman Chalisa calms the turmoil in the mind, brings concentration, sharpens memory. When the mind remains calm, the power to think and understand also comes. It is very important to have a calm mind and a calm mind for intellectual development.

2. Positive thinking is generated

Chanting of Shri Hanuman Chalisa keeps the mind calm and positive thoughts are generated when the mind is calm. Positive thinking helps a man to move forward in rising up. Positive thinking opens the way for progress and development.

3. Negative thoughts are destroyed

When positive thinking starts arising in the mind and its thoughts, then gradually the negative thinking starts coming out of the mind. Negative thinking does not allow a person to move forward. Negative thinking always causes harm, whether it is of the society or of the family.Chanting of Shri Hanuman Chalisa makes a person so mature that he can always take the right decision.

4. Person becomes Strong

Shri Hanumanji is the giver of strength, wisdom and knowledge. Shri Hanuman ji has incomparable strength. Chanting of Shri Hanuman Chalisa leads to both physical and mental development. By reciting Shri Hanuman Chalisa, a person becomes capable and strong both physically and mentally.

5. One becomes fearless

When a person remains strong and mature both physically and mentally, then what will he be afraid of. Regular Chanting of Shri Hanuman Chalisa makes a person courageous and fearless. All their types of fear go away.

6. Fear of the unknown vanishes

Sometimes we see that fear keeps on arising in the mind without any reason. Fear is felt in any work or in going anywhere. It is difficult to go anywhere alone. Inside, a strange fear dominates us. What is that. We don’t even know why we are afraid all the time. Chanting of Shri Hanuman Chalisa ends all such problems.

7. Tribulation gets resolved

Chanting of Shri Hanuman Chalisa removes the conflicts, family disputes and quarrels arising in the house. Chanting of Shri Hanuman Chalisa leads to mental development and intellectual development. A person does not think for himself, he thinks for his loved ones. When all the members of the house will think for their loved ones, then from where will there be fights and quarrels. Just like the kind of love that all brothers had in Ramayana, Ram, Lakshman, Bharat, Shatrughan, the same kind of love behavior remains towards each other.

8. Victory over the enemy

Nothing can harm the person who recites Shri Hanuman Chalisa. No matter how many enemies there are. No matter what the enmity, no hair of the seeker who recites Hanuman Chalisa can be spoiled. Chanting of Shri Hanuman Chalisa leads to victory over the enemy, the enemy is destroyed.

9. Destroyer of crisis or calamity

Chanting of Shri Hanuman Chalisa removes all kinds of troubles and troubles. It is clearly written in the chaupai of Shri Hanuman Chalisa

The crisis will end and all the pain will end. The one who remembers Hanumat Balbira.

10. Diseases and ailments go away

The seeker who recites Shri Hanuman Chalisa methodically with full devotion, no kind of disease surrounds him. If a person is troubled by any disease or physical ailment, then they must recite Hanuman Chalisa along with proper treatment. With the effect of Shri Hanuman Chalisa, he will get rid of diseases very soon.

Nasai Rog Hare Sab Pira.

The one who remembers Hanumat Balbira.

11. Ghosts and obstacles are removed

Chanting of Shri Hanuman Chalisa removes all kinds of evil spirits. Ghosts and ghosts run away by taking the name of Shri Hanuman ji. Chanting of Shri Hanuman Chalisa no matter how powerful the evil spirits or ghosts may be, they run away immediately.

Ghosts and vampires should not come near.

When Mahavir recites his name.

12. Planetary obstacles are removed

Chanting of Shri Hanuman Chalisa removes all kinds of planetary obstacles, Shani, Rahu, Ketu, all the bad planets that disturb people, save us from the bad effects of all these. Once upon a time all the Navagrahas were in the clutches of Ravana, they were freed from bondage by Shri Hanuman ji, then all the Navagrahas had blessed them that none of our bad effects would affect your devotees. For this reason, reciting Shri Hanuman Chalisa does not affect any bad planet on Hanuman devotees.

Chanting of Shri Hanuman Chalisa removes Saturn’s seven and a half seven and a half Saturn obstacles. It does not have any bad effect on the seeker of Shri Hanuman Chalisa.

13. Helpful in establishing celibacy

Shri Hanuman ji was a child celibate. His devotion towards Shri Ram was of the highest order. The person who is celibate or wants to become celibate must recite Shri Hanuman Chalisa. By this, the grace of Shri Hanuman ji is received and it becomes easy for him to observe celibacy.

14. Bad company goes away

A person becomes characterful by reciting Shri Hanuman Chalisa. Bad habits go away. When there is character development in a person, then he gets the power to think and understand right and wrong. He can discern between right and wrong, and when he begins to discern between right and wrong, he shuns even bad company.

15. Spiritual Development

Chanting of Shri Hanuman Chalisa leads to paramount development of a person. Jealousy, hatred, ego, anger, greed get eradicated from a person’s mind. Its Chanting generates a virtuous tendency in a person. Due to which their spiritual development takes place. Its daily Chanting increases memory power and intelligence. At the same time morale increases and spiritual strength is attained.

16. Freedom from bondage

Chanting of Shri Hanuman Chalisa gives relief from all kinds of bondages. Bondage may be of any kind, be it disease, grief, ego, greed, work, anger, any kind of bondage, it can get rid of that bondage.

Recite this hundred times.

There was a lot of happiness after the closure.

17. Family discord goes away

The Chanting of Shri Hanuman Chalisa increases the feeling of mutual love among all the members of the family. A situation of tension does not arise in the family, but mutual love for each other keeps on increasing. Due to this, any kind of family discord does not arise in the house.

18. Protects from evils

As we said above, Chanting of Shri Hanuman Chalisa gives strength, intelligence and knowledge. Physical, mental and spiritual development takes place. This increases understanding in a person, he can understand bad company and evils very well. Because of this understanding, he himself avoids evils.

19. Addiction goes away

Chanting of Shri Hanuman Chalisa cures all kinds of addiction. The restlessness that occurs due to addiction gets rid of that restlessness. A person improves himself and also improves others.

20. Increases confidence

Chanting of Shri Hanuman Chalisa has a positive effect on a person. As we have said above, its regular lesson leads to physical, mental and spiritual development. Addiction goes away. All these things boost morale, increase self-confidence.

21. Enthusiasm starts coming in life

Chanting of Shri Hanuman Chalisa keeps enthusiasm and enthusiasm in life. The person does any work enthusiastically. Without getting tired, without fear, he does his work, due to which he gets the desired success in his work.

22. A person becomes longevity

The seeker who recites Shri Hanuman Chalisa becomes long life. He gets the boon of long life. Chanting of Shri Hanuman Chalisa gives strength, wisdom and knowledge. There is constant enthusiasm in life. Get rid of diseases. He leads a healthy life.

23. Salvation is attained

The biggest benefit in the benefits and benefits of reciting Shri Hanuman Chalisa is that Chanting of Shri Hanuman Chalisa not only gives all kinds of worldly pleasures but also attains salvation after death.

24. Negative energy is destroyed

Reciting Hanuman Chalisa destroys negative energy. In a house where there is a problem of fight, quarrel, tension, discord and disease etc., if Hanuman Chalisa is recited on Tuesday, it helps in removing the problems.

Chanting of Hanuman Chalisa removes negative energy from the house and creates positive energy. It is believed that worshiping Hanuman ji gives relief from despair and sorrows. Hanuman ji is also called the giver of strength and wisdom. Worshiping Hanuman ji removes all kinds of fear.

Shri Hanuman Chalisa should be recited with full devotion, devotion and concentrated mind, only then the desired fruit can be achieved.

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